Sunday 10 March 2013

When the student is ready.....

Thinking about this Buddhist proverb quote, " when the student is ready, the teacher appears."
Really makes you think about how we cannot teach someone a lesson they are not ready to learn. It is a reminder that when someone is ready to accept their recovery, recovery will happen. So many times, as a mother of an addict, I have attempted to teach my son, reach out and offer him help for his addiction, only to be disappointed. I have come to realize that only when he is willing, only when he is ready to accept his addiction for what it is and willing to learn from the consequences it has to offer, will he begin on his journey into recovery.
What can a parent learn from this? Patience. Acceptance. Trust. Hope. Faith.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your Journey, Trish. I know it will inspire many, and be a source of light in the darkness that addiction brings into a family's life.
