You may commonly hear teens today call it E, love pills, scooby snacks among other 'pet' names. It has a reputation as the "love pill" bacuse it heightens sensations, particularly during sex.
One of the many dangers of ecstasy is that it smothers our natural alarm system. Because it is a strong stimulant, giving a feeling of abundant energy, a person can often exceed their natural limitations while on this drug. Dehydration is a common problem with ecstasy use in clubs and raves. This is so much true that there is a harm reduction strategy that bottles of water are given out freely at raves to help reduce the risk of dehydration. There are also some places (I cannot name them at the moment) that will test the drug to tell you if there are harmful chemicals and unwanted components in the pill before taking. (We won't get into this here today, harm reduction has many controversial opinions, we will save that debate for another post:)
Ecstasy can cause paranoia, anxiety, confusion, sleep problems, weight loss, nausea and impaired judgement, among many other side effects.
What can you watch for?
Lack of hunger, lots of energy and sleep problems and then sleeping all day, hazy, dazed and confused. Ecstasy is pretty cheap, costing around $5-$10 a pill and even less when bought in bulk. I hate giving my teens lunch money, a $5 bill is all you need for a good high these days.
Most of the information on MDMA here is from Drug Free World. Please take a peek at their website and today watch the video on ecstasy, a real eye opener.
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