Tuesday, 21 January 2014

A gift in a different box

Well life throws us all kinds of challenges, crises and opportunities. Sometimes we need to realize that they are all the same gift. All crises can turn to opportubity if we can see what we are to learn from it. 

"I want to help you learn how to confidently look the prospect of failure in the eye and move forward anyway, because in life, the question is not if you will have problems, but how you are going to deal with them. Stop failing backward and start failing forward." THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AVERAGE PEOPLE AND ACHIEVIBG PEOPLE IS THEIR PERCEPTION OF AND RESPONSE TO FAILURE. John C.Maxwell~Author of Failing Forward.

Well, my family has received what I choose to believe is an opportunity. My son is in a position of great change. He is in a position to make a choice about what kind of life he will lead. For the next while, all I can do is trust. Trust that he will make the right choice. Trust that he has the tools needed to get through this and rise above. 

Love will see us through this. 


  1. I know that things will turn out. Maybe not as we may want it or expect it, but they will turn out. And that is hard to hear, and is nothing more than faith and trust and more faith and trust. Trust that The Man Above has your son in His care. Hope that your son is open and receptive to what may be presented to him. I probably had many offers presented to me and didn't see them for what they are until the time was ready.

    I hope that this time is the time. Until the next time.

    Live in peace, my friend. I hope it all goes well for you and your family :)


  2. I know the lord will bless your family with many good things to come. Your son is on a journey of life, choice's, and empowerment in Recovery if he so chooses. I hope he knows the lord will provide they way when your son is ready :-)
    Hugs and Blessings Trish, Author Catherine Lyon XoXo
