Thursday, 23 January 2014

A Higher What?

Well, over this past few years, the past year especially, I have said more than once "I have to let go and trust." I have heard many people say to me "Let go, Let God." I felt a strong connection to my "higher power" and strongly believed that my son would be in good hands. The problem with this? I wasn't letting go, I wasn't trusting, I wasn't proving that I believed that something 'greater' would take care of things. 

 Last week I made a decision to take care of me. I am not sure why that decision happened last week, of all times. I made that decision to be strong, to trust and not to 'cover my fears' and not to'run away' from my pain. When things got bad at the end of the week I questioned why I would ever make that decision now. Now, more than ever, I NEED to have some help with my pain. My decision was made and I am a woman of my word. My 'just for today' is my amazingly strong daughter, and her ability to face the same fears and the same pain that I am facing. So, I decided that Face My Fear is what I must do. When you are faced with the fear that your 17 year old son may spend the next year or more in a youth detention center, that is one hell of a painful and scary fear to face. 

 As strange as this may sound, at this point, I am so grateful that my son is alive. He is safe. For the first time in a long time, I feel like he may have a future. That must sound like the craziest thing ever to some people. My son was dying. He was dying a slow and painful death. He was dragging me with him, in many ways. 

 I believe that there is a 'higher power' that is taking care of my son right now. I finally moved out of the way and allowed that power to take over. I prayed for him to be directed to people who would guide him in the right direction, but I was always in control of who those people were. I reached out to every organization I could think of and lined it all up. I wasn't letting go and letting anyone or any thing else have control. I was trying to control it all. I said I trusted, I didn't trust at all. 

 I was upset and shocked that they don't have NA or AA in the youth detention center. I thought about how I could change that. Maybe a conversation with the Minister of Public safety, yup, that would surely do it. Today I met a man, by chance, who is the chair person for AA in the correctional system. He told me to leave this in his hands and stop trying so hard. He told me that he will take care of that situation because that IS HIS role. Isn't that a funny little coincidence? Or is it? So I am letting go of my need to control that situation and I am going to trust that someone else, the right person will take care of it. 

 Well this really made me think that maybe I can be a vessel for change, but I cannot BE the change. Not for my son anyways. I CAN and WILL be the change for myself. I think I am learning that the more I step back and let go, there just may be bigger plans in action that I am standing in the way of. I need to get out of the way. I believe I really am about to walk a journey. My journey.
Photo credit:Recovery and Hope Facebook page. 188K likes!!!!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

A gift in a different box

Well life throws us all kinds of challenges, crises and opportunities. Sometimes we need to realize that they are all the same gift. All crises can turn to opportubity if we can see what we are to learn from it. 

"I want to help you learn how to confidently look the prospect of failure in the eye and move forward anyway, because in life, the question is not if you will have problems, but how you are going to deal with them. Stop failing backward and start failing forward." THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AVERAGE PEOPLE AND ACHIEVIBG PEOPLE IS THEIR PERCEPTION OF AND RESPONSE TO FAILURE. John C.Maxwell~Author of Failing Forward.

Well, my family has received what I choose to believe is an opportunity. My son is in a position of great change. He is in a position to make a choice about what kind of life he will lead. For the next while, all I can do is trust. Trust that he will make the right choice. Trust that he has the tools needed to get through this and rise above. 

Love will see us through this. 

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Walking beside instead of leading

I have been trying EVERYTHING I can think of to help save my son. I have tried every opportunity and every person and organization I can think of to help. I had a conversation with someone last week, another attempt to find answers to help my son. Well that conversation went very different than I had expected. How am I handling this crisis in my life was the question. Well, to be honest, I struggle very much, most of the time. I find one way or another to help me deal with the pain, sometimes it is good, other times, not so much. I need to start taking care of me, I need to find better ways to face my fears and face my pain. I need to lead by example, I need to walk my own path and hope that my children will walk beside me. I look at my daughter and I am so proud, so amazed at how strong she is. She has dealt with much pain, fear and crisis since her return home from rehab. She has looked at fear in the face and she has shown more strength than I could ever imagine, staying clean and sober in the face of deep pain. She hasn't reached for a glass (or two or three) of wine when the day was rough, she hasn't reached for the bottle of Ativan when things got much harder than she could handle or when fear poked it's ugly head up. When this question was asked, I thought, How am I handling the pain and crisis, how am I facing the fear in my life? What kind of an example am I to my children and to the youth I hope to mentor through recovery? I have made a decision that I will not reach for a glass of wine and I will not reach for that bottle of Ativan, or anything else, when fear shows itself. I will face my fears head on, I will face my pain and the crisis in my life with strength and pride. I will seek support when I need it, I will be a good, strong example. I will walk my own journey alongside my children, not leading them. I will give up the idea that I can control what will happen tomorrow. I will lead my own life, I will live for today and stop worrying about what might happen.
I will be strong and trust. Trust that they will do the right thing and then through my actions, show them that I trust in them by letting them do for themselves. 

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Reaching out, spiraling down

As a mother, we feel it is our place to take care of our children. Sometimes we feel it is our place to help them, and when they are in trouble; protect them. When does this turn into enabling? How do we turn those natural instincts off? When do we force ourselves to stop helping and protecting and let them fall? How do we stay strong when we are falling apart on the inside? Why does motherhood have to be so unfair sometimes?