Thursday, 28 November 2013

Well HELLO Sunshine!

I am writing this blog as real as it gets. 

This is the life of addiction from the eyes of a mother. 
 After my son breeching his residency order on probation, he spent two nights in detention. He made a decision to try to get back in to the transitional housing program. This is a great choice. The judge will see him in two weeks for an update and to see if he gets into the program next week. 

 Two days, that is all it took to bring him back to me this time. He was himself again last night. He even visited with his dad and had a conversation which hasnt happened in over 6 months. He says he doesn't want a relationship with him but I know it is because he is so hurt and let down that he is protecting himself. Last night he let down his guard and he felt good, happy.He had color in his face, and that beautiful smile. He was full of excitement, talking, asking questions, it was beautiful. 

 I told my husband, I know that this can change at any moment, I know this. I choose to believe that every time he feels this happiness and lets down his guard and lets people love him, it will bring him that much closer to wanting more of that in his life. I choose to enjoy every single one of those precious moments, and beautiful smiles. That is what living for today means. It means that we don't think about the past mistakes, and we don't fear for what might happen tomorrow, it means we cherish every gift that is presented to us, today.

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